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I got back of holiday to find a message on my answer machine when i played the message back i was shocked to find out who it was from it was the new chairman of oldham athletic informing me that he wanted me to become the new manager of the latics, I had no hesitation but to accept the offer.

Chris Moore called a press confrence for the monday morning i was asked numourus questions in the confrence all about finance which was sadly lacking i was keen to point out though that the current squad was good enough for a play off challlenge.

My first training sessionwith the lads went well i was surpriesd at the quality of some player like ap player what had been constantly overlooked by previous management Andy Ritchie and Billy Urmson.

After this i called Billy Urmson and Tony Philliskirk into my office and informed billy his contract had been terminated and that tony was my new no.2

I then hae a conservation with Chris Moore and tell him i think we are two players of a promotion side, he agrees and gives me 100k to last up till christmas then he says we will reavaluate.

I then went on to assess my squad

GK Garry Kelly David Miskelly

DEF Shaun Garnett Stuart Balmer
Paul Jones Darren Sherridan
Mark Hotte Scott McNiven
Ben Futcher Barry Prenderville

MID David Eyrse Lee Duxbury
John Sherridan Tony Carrss
Danny Boshell Lee Hardy

ST Carlo Corazzin Craig Dudley
Mathew Tipton Ryan Sugdnen
Mark Allot John Eyre

i decide that my team will line up like this

D.Sherridan S.Balmer S.Garnett S.mcNiven

d.Eyrse L.Duxbury T.Carss J. Eyre
C. Dudley C.Corazzin

on my bench would be
1 david Miskelly
2 Paul Rickers
3 Barry Prenderville
4 Mathew Tipton
5 Lee Hardy

i place mark allott on the list and tell john sherridan, ben futcher and danny boshell they can all leav for free.

I scout far and wide for new players and eventually find a cheap striker playing in the league of wales called Richard Parker who i snap up for 10k and a right winger called warrren critonden from the non league.

watch this space for updates every 2 days