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below are a list of sites for all the latics fans
The links bellow are mainly search engines and sites dedicated to oldham athletic and the championship manager games and one for my sister.

If you would lime me to carry a link for your page then just email me at

Be shore to visit my oafc meassage board and post your views on the latics and on my site

This could be the make and break season for andy Ritchie see my views on my home page. Also have your say on my message board (link below)

Search Engines
AltaVista You know us as the Internet's original search engine.
Lycos One of the most visited hubs on the Internet reaching one out of every two web users.
Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.
InfoSeek GO Network is a new brand that brings together the very best of the Internet in one, easy to use place.

Favorite Sites
jack and kates latic site This in my view is the best Latics unoficail site on the web well worth a look
oldham chronicle read oldhams local paper online every night.
champ manager a great site for all championship manager fans
oafc message board this is my message board for anything and everything oldham.
a sight dedicated to arguably the best left sided player in the lowere leagues a site dedicated to david eyres
the officail site get the latest news from oldham as it happens
the dugout a site for every cm fan
for all your shopping needs visit amazon for all your shopping needs
my sisters web site have a look if your board

